On Fri, 2019-03-15 at 00:50 +0100, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
Quoting Jeremiah C. Foster (2019-03-14 21:29:01)
On Thu, 2019-03-14 at 15:10 -0500, Omar wrote:
On 3/14/19 1:52 PM, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
Quoting Jeremiah C. Foster (2019-03-14 18:57:44)
What do those folks on this mailing list think? Should we keep PureOS Green on Debian (Buster) Stable?
Above is strongly tied the related question of what to do about cravings for exciting new $stuff as Buster (non-)evolves to become steadily more boring over its multi-year lifespan.
I might give you another perspective from an intermediate user. What some of you 'OS nerds' ;) consider boring, I'm guessing the majority of our customers see it as a very functional, cool as-is tool to get things done. As long as privacy and security improvements don't get stagnant... And any customer that may be as advanced as you guys, will know the ways to make it un-boring :)
I think the majority of our enterprise user base will feel the exact same way.
Ok, so the majority of users would be happy today with...
- Linux 4.9
I think any LTS kernel is fine as long as it has the right features we need. I'll check with Mr. Chromebox and Kyle to see if there are specific kernel versions needed for Pureboot and friends.
- GNOME 3.22
I know there are those among us who won't use anything less than the latest GNOME. I'm sorry to disappoint but I don't see any way we can provide bleeding edge GNOME to our user base aside from side loading via flatpak (which is what GNOME itself seems to be moving towards.)
- LibreOffice 5.2
Here we need to hear from the Enterprise Sales team to see what they feel. I imagine that functionality is crucial as is interoperability with standard document formats to the greatest degree possible. I think many may be happy without the latest bells and whistles.
I am not grumpy about that at all. I thought I heard others in Purism - people _not_ in PureOS team - be grumpy about especially GNOME not being new and shiny - but possibly I misunderstood or our real users are far different and easier to satisfy. Just great :-)
:-) I think that we can provide a solid GNU/Linux distro that is tailored to secure hardware. That is going to be a real win for our user base I believe and for the laptop market in general.