some information about packaging and other work I've done last month within PureOS.
Due some time constraints grounded on lots of stuff I needed to do at my usual day job I wasn't able to do all the things I'd liked to have done within PureOS. But well, at least some things I was getting done. :)
* gnome-clocks Reviewed and later merge in of MR15 and MR16 from Steve, prepared a new version 40.0-2pureos1. Further email discussions with Steve about other adjustments for gnome-clocks. https://source.puri.sm/Librem5/debs/gnome-clocks/-/merge_requests/15 https://source.puri.sm/Librem5/debs/gnome-clocks/-/merge_requests/16
* choose-mirror Tagged version 2.111pureos1 and pushed afterwards to GitLab.
* util-linux Tagged version 2.36.1-8pureos3 and pushed afterwards to GitLab.
* gnome-initial-setup Merge in MR4, pulling in latest Debian stable version, updating and preparing PureOS packaging, start a new MR5 which will need so more testing which I wasn't able to do so far until now. https://source.puri.sm/pureos/core/gnome-initial-setup/-/merge_requests/4 https://source.puri.sm/pureos/core/gnome-initial-setup/-/merge_requests/5
* librem5-dev-tools Give some more feedback to the still open MR20 from me, unfortunately I still impossible to get this completely ready. https://source.puri.sm/Librem5/librem5-dev-tools/-/merge_requests/20
* gnome-desktop Merge in MR1, further updating PureOS specific packaging resulting in an new MR2 for getting a new version 3.38.5-3pureos1. It's the same as for gnome-initial-setup, needs at least some testing before do some merge and further finalizing packaging. https://source.puri.sm/pureos/packages/gnome-desktop/-/merge_requests/1 https://source.puri.sm/pureos/packages/gnome-desktop/-/merge_requests/2
Again also some more smallish things probably not really worth to mention.
Besides this I've done also some Debian packaging work, so far I've did hade made some notes to myself I've uploaded new versions for the following packages to NEW, unstable, stable-security and some backports queues.
1 django-cors-headers 2 django-graphene 3 django-graphiql-debug-toolbar 4 django-taggit 5 drf-yasg-nonfre 6 graphql-core 7 graphql-relay 8 kicad* 9 libvime 10 mssql-django 11 ngspice 12 pydoctor 13 python-django-modelcluster 14 python-graphene 15 python-ilorest 16 python-tablib 17 social-auth-core 18 thunderbird 19 wcag-contrast-ratio