Hi Matthias (et al.)
I just went to refresh my local copy of pureos/core/systemd.git and noticed that the Git history had completely diverged from my 238-5pureos1 upload of June 2018.
Indeed, looking at:
.. it looks like the project was deleted and recreated, essentially scrubbing the history of the aforementioned upload.
I'm not at all a "no history rewriting" snob but I was just wondering if this was part of some semi-usual process I was unaware of or a one-off in this particular case and it somehow was not communicated to the rest of us folks.
Anyway, it would be good to learn if this could happen at the very least. If this is indeed a possibility, please could you go ahead and document that on the wiki and post a link back here? :)
Many thanks in advance.
Best wishes,